Mapping consciousness with Music, art, & poetry

Self portrait study

The sea is just a gambler at heart
As winter is settling, the sea is changing.

The water is becoming colder, less welcoming, feeling grander than it does in the warmer months.

The weather is becoming less predictable, squalls suddenly forming then, just as quickly, dissipating.

The wind has a refreshing bite to it.

Going out to sea becomes less enticing, but paradoxically, more intriguing.

Like she’s calling you out; come meet me in my darkest of times.

Do not only visit when the air and water are warm and light, but visit too when they are cold and dark.

That’s where you’ll meet me. And that’s where you’re bound to meet yourself too.

THE BARDO ∞ PROJECT introduced to me by artist Marne Lucas. “Bardo” is the Tibetan word for the transitional existence between death and rebirth. Living with life-limiting illness and the dying process are similarly “in between” states and are opportunity for introspection and honesty.


A self portrait 1 March 2023 with the help of photographer Catrice Tkadlec.
Collage work displayed at the Dallas Bathe House Gallery 2013

Do what you love!









My exploration of religion led me to Deidades – this story seeks to reinterpret ancient narratives within the sensibilities of contemporary mythos. The inspiration for this photography series is derived from Mesoamerican deities whose universality transcends their specific history. The Gods are timeless in that they reflect commonalities in our own predicaments. By nature, I am a storyteller and my ancestors inform the stories I want to relate. But these stories are constrained by orthodoxy, and I seek to re-imagine the past through the lens of the contemporary.

The Gods still play a part in our collective over-busy, overwrought experience and I endeavor to manifest their influence. These are not exotic forms or fictions but guides to heritage and history and a deeper reckoning with our own true self. Every display of beauty and love when projected through the soul should remind us that we are all indigenous.” -MP


Mayan Deity of Self Sacrifice. Displayed at Kente Royal Gallery, Harlem, NY November 2021.


Mayan Deity of storms related to the Taino Deity “Juracan”

itinerant curator & Collector of Art

Two artists that work with line, shape, form, color, value, and space, with a repetition, rhythm and movement, unity, proportion, and emphasis. I use these elements and principles to judge their work. Some do not like the word JUDGE, but it is how humans gauge other humans, I feel we will never escape this positive/negative critic of our own work. However, we also judge our own work and become our own worst critic.

The strange beauty in unexpected stories, with a disregard for the conventional expectations of societal normality.

Two Fauve (wild beasts) modern artists whose work emphasize qualities with strong color over the representational/realistic.
Steve‘s work states more of a social commentary regarding our human condition, while Kat’s metaphor and elements of nature and human form are intriguing and colorfully beautiful.

  Black Jesus by Steve Cruz.
I have collected several works by Steve Cruz. The one in the link is in my collection.
The_Cowboy by Steve Cruz —-> I have collected several works by Steve Cruz. The one in the link is in my collection.
Artist: Kat Lilley Title: America, Please Stand By
Artist: Kat Lilley
Title: Small Purple Floral

Both choose arbitrary over naturalistic color. To me they both incorporate a sense of reality, and fantasy, while bordering in surrealism.
Rationing the visions with our life that asserts power to the unconscious and dreams. Which is an example of verisimilitude guaranteed to put life into the dead corpse of painting.

Steve’s work is narrative, whimsical, and for some folks, dark and frightening (as I recall a viewer saying at a C7 gallery). I asked what do you think and he replied its scary and very satanic. So, I bought more! Steve’s work states more of a social commentary regarding our human condition, and the beauty of Kat’s work motivated me to add both to my collection.

Both are fearless and unafraid to be truthful with their narrative, in art and in life itself.

Photography / Videography

The camera is a machine in perfect obedience to the human spirit. Our expertise in photography is immediately applicable to framing scenes and capturing the right depth for truly impressive sequences.

role playing your portraits

We’re very proud of the shots that we produce; Some of our example can be seen in our portfolio. Many of our examples are influenced by my favorite painters Pablo Picasso. Woman with a flower or Woman before a MIrror. Georges Pierre Seurat painting techniques known as chromoluminarism and pointillism and used conté crayon for drawings on paper with a rough surface


My thoughts & causes

Arts and Culture • Documentation • Civil Rights and Social Action • Economic Empowerment • Environment • Health • Science and Technology.

Caustic Cayla
Caustic Cayla

Influenced by Pablo Picasso’s Blue monochromatic period.
Mixing light frequencies for effect of color.
Using cross processing to create varying frequencies of light through the digital process.

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